Good Grief
There was a time when I'd hear "good grief " and I'd think someone was saying something along the lines of "holy moly". "Good grief that elephant is big" or "good grief that soup is hot". I know it is more of 80s or 90s statement. In hearing that statement now I think of something completely different. I think about loss and being on the right path with one's loss. Finding the good grief is very important.
As a human we make mistakes of course. But it's how you deal with those mistakes that helps you on your path. If you make a mistake and learn from it that's good. But you also must follow up that new found knowledge with action. For example, if you see porcupine (a common occurrence of course) you may think "wow, that is a cute porcupine". Then you go to pet it and the porcupine pokes you with its needles. It hurts and you bleed a bit. This gets realized in your brain as a mistake. "OK, I shouldn't pet a porcupine because I will get poked", you say to yourself. Then another porcupine shows up (as they do because there are just so many porcupines around these days) and it too is very cute and you want to pet it. You think, "hmm the last time I saw one these I went to pet it and it hurt and there is still blood on my hand from it". Then you wonder what if this porcupine doesn't do the same thing as the other? So you go to pet it and the same result: it hurts and you bleed. Now you have solidified your thought process and taken away another variable that it wasn't just that first porcupine, it's most likely that all porcupines poke. You have learned if you try and pet a porcupine it will most likely hurt.
You're probably thinking to yourself, "wow Clint that's a long weird way to explain learning".
The reason I did that is to explain where I am with my journey (nothing to do with porcupines most of the time). I am sorry to announce that I have regressed backwards with my grief. I have learned that it's perfectly normal for this to happen. But I also feel bad about it in a way. I felt as though I was moving in the right direction in this process we call grief. It's one of openness, honesty, trust, vulnerability and love

Don't run from the love that I will always have for him. Remember the good times and appreciate the time I had by telling people about him and what I treasure, what he was like, the way his little noises just melted my heart. The little guy was and still is the light of life and the more I follow this process the less surprise pain like petting a porcupine. More like helping the porcupine by finding it a safe place to be and be happy without poking anyone. And that is a "good grief ". Because you are thinking "good grief Clint using porcupines as an analogy?". It's ok if I pet the porcupine again as we are all human and bound to make mistakes, but hopefully I lessen the amount of mistakes and increase the amount of good grief.
I will always miss you Caius

Please enjoy this video of Caius the great his wonderful noises when he was just 3 months old .
Hey I love you all
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