Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (or DOMS) occurs after strenuous exercise or working out muscles that have not been used in a while. You know how you feel sore the day after a really good workout? How about the day after, when you feel even more sore? That's DOMS.

It happens like this: you leave the gym or finish a run and you feel ok. That wasn't so bad, you think. I could do this on a regular basis. Then boom. You wake up the next morning and your muscles are sore. You move just a little bit slower and everything seems to be a little bit more difficult. It hurts to bend over. It hurts to lift your arms in the shower to wash your hair. It hurts to walk. DOMS. You try ice, heat, stretching. You go to bed hoping you'll feel better in the morning. But you don't. You feel MORE sore. DOMS.

I'm confused, you may think. I felt so good right after, I felt so strong. I worked hard but I felt good. So why am I more sore now?

I've experienced the effects of DOMS before. Chased them even. Because even though it hurts, it means you worked hard. But I've also started to experience the effects of DOHS, or Delayed Onset Heart Soreness. Or maybe I should name it DOFE- Delayed Onset Feelings Explosion. Either way, the pain is similar. It seems to happen after an emotionally hard day, and can get worse after that.

When we moved back into our house where Caius passed away, we tried hard to return with positive thoughts. We had so many good memories here, we reminded each other. We unpacked our suitcases, made up the bed with new linens and rearranged furniture to create a feeling of freshness. We quietly tucked away the small baby items we found into the nursery where all of Caius' stuff had been carefully hidden by family, not wanting the other to notice. Not wanting to break the silent mutual agreement that was made to not talk about what is so glaringly missing. And we did pretty good. We caught up on Survivor. We ate pizza.

But then we woke up the next morning. And my heart hurt. All the work I had put into pushing the sad thoughts away while frantically grasping for good ones left it sore. The feelings of overwhelming grief started weighing my heart back down, and the pain was there. I did so well yesterday, I felt good. Now I move a little slower. Things are little more difficult.

I am training to be stronger, and trying to train my brain to process what has happened in a positive light. Just as I felt less Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness as I started to work different muscles more, I believe my Delayed Onset Heart Soreness will dissipate over time. You only got Caius for seven months, I think. I am so thankful I got Caius for seven whole amazing months, I correct myself. Training. Poor me, I cry. Lucky me, I correct myself. Training. Working to lessen the DOHS.



  1. Delayed Onset Heart Soreness. What a beautiful analogy. Like your muscles, over time I believe every day of DOHS will contribute to the development of an emotionally strong heart, the one you need to persevere. You are coming back from an injury, so your DOHS may be more frequent than few, and it's important to be kind to yourself when necessary. Rest, invigorate, calm, and energize; RICE for your heart, too.

  2. Chantal, I am so sorry for what you have been going through. I love to read your posts, I feel conected with you. I pray For you every day. That time will pass fast and you will heal. I love to read your blog. It's so real and so inspiring. I think you are stronger than you think. I can see that on you. May God bless you. Isadora


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